While electric trucks are a somewhat recent development in the industry, they’re quickly growing in popularity! If you’re in the market for a new truck and curious about electric models, we encourage you to check out our article below. Whether you decide to go with a gas or electric truck, you can find both options at any of our locations across Colorado, Nevada, and Wyoming.


One of the unexpected benefits of owning an electric truck is the decrease in maintenance! These vehicles no longer need oil changes or expensive fuel injector repairs. In fact, they have fewer parts overall, making maintenance less expensive and much simpler to complete.


While these trucks may be a bit more expensive upfront, they’re definitely worth the higher price tag. Not only is their maintenance more affordable, but they’re also much cheaper to refill. With the cost of gas nowadays this expense can quickly add up, making the higher price tag more affordable in the long term. 


If you find yourself driving primarily in the city, an electric truck is perfect for you! These trucks are the perfect size for maneuvering in heavy traffic and making tight turns. They’re also much quieter than your average diesel truck, decreasing noise complaints and allowing you to work anytime, night or day. On average an electric truck will burn 30% less energy than a gas-powered one, allowing you to work longer without having to stop and recharge.

If you’ve decided that an electric truck is the right fit for you, we hope you’ll visit us here at McCandless Truck Center! Not only do we offer an impressive inventory of trucks and trailers, but we also have helpful financing, leasing, and rental options!