National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is here! This annual spring campaign is typically held every year at the beginning of the roadway construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones and construction sites. 

Whether you work in an office or on nation’s roadways, everyone deserves to get home safely. We know that many Colorado roads are under construction throughout the year, so it is important to slow down and stay alert to help save lives. Today and everyday we encourage you to drive safe through highway work zones and construction sites and we thank all the men and women who work tirelessly to keep our roads safe.

To learn more about NWZAW, its history, and how you can participate, go to 

NATIONAL GO ORANGE DAY 2019 is taking place on Wednesday April 10th to support the roadway safety industry as well as families of victims that have lost their lives in work zones. 

#TeamHardHat #WorkZone #WorkZoneLife #WorkZoneSafety #WorkZoneCrew #DriveLikeYouWorkHere #SaferRoadsSaveLives #GoOrange4Safety