COVID-19 is Not a License to Speed - Idealease Safety Bulletin 4/24/20
The April 24th Edition of the weekly Idealease safety bulletin has arrived! Read the entire bulletin online or download today. Don't forget to sign up to have them delivered straight to your inbox each week.
1. COVID-19 is NOT a License to Speed! Safety Laws cannot be ignored during this time!
States are reporting significant increases in the number of reckless driving tickets and vehicles speeding at high rates. Police in Colorado, Indiana, Nebraska, and Utah have clocked drivers going more than 100 miles per hour on highways. In Los Angeles, cars are going as much as 30% faster on some streets, prompting changes to traffic lights and pedestrian walk signals.
2. The National Private Truck Council (NPTC) Issues COVID-19 Best Practices.
NPTC members have contributed to this document so other carriers can see how fleets are dealing with issues challenging carriers from COVID-19. Thank you to NPTC and Tom Moore, NPTC Executive Vice President, for supplying this information.
Click here to download NPTC BEST PRACTICES.
3. TSA Extends TWIC Expiration For Six Months
The Transportation Security Administration has granted a temporary exemption from requirements in 49 CFR part 1572 regarding the expiration of certain Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWICs) in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 85 Fed. Reg. 21017
For the duration of this exemption, TSA will extend the expiration date of TWICs that expired on or after March 1, 2020, by 180 days. This exemption became effective on April 10, 2020, and remains in effect through July 31, 2020, unless otherwise modified by TSA.
Approximately one-third of TSA’s TWIC enrollment centers have been forced to close as a result of COVID–19. For those that are operating, the process of collecting fingerprints, which is required for TWIC, and completing the enrollment process may introduce risk to enrollment center staff or TWIC applicants.
Thus, the TSA exemption states that for TWICs that expire on or after March 1, 2020, the expiration date for the TWIC is 180 days after the expiration date that appears on the face of the credential. TSA deems these eligible TWICs to be valid for the purpose of unescorted access to secured areas of maritime facilities and vessels. If the 180-day period extends beyond the duration of this temporary exemption, the TWIC will be valid for the remainder of the extended 180-day period based on the expiration date of the TWIC.