Idealease Safety Bulletin - COVID-19 Update - April 10, 2020
Read and share the latest Safety Bulletin, "COVID-19 Update", courtesy of Idealease.
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In this issue find details on the following:
1. FMCSA Extends and Expands Emergency Declaration as of April 8th:
- FMCSA is expanding its list of essential services to now include the transportation of liquefied gases to be used in cooling or refrigeration systems
- The declaration extends the exemption from FMCSRs 390-399 through May 15, 2020
- While the FMCSA is exempting operators from certain FMCSRs, operators are not exempt from 49 C.F.R. 392.2—relating to operation of commercial motor vehicles in accordance with state laws such as speed limits and traffic restrictions—or 49 C.F.R. 392.3—relating to operation of a commercial motor vehicle due to a driver’s alertness being so impaired or likely to become impaired due to fatigue or illness that would make it unsafe for him/her to continue driving.
2. National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 20th- 24th - Learn more about this annual safety campaign here.
3. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and CISA (Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency) Guidance for Essential Workers
- An important update was released regarding the continued health, safety, and protection of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers who may have been exposed to COVID-19. In their update, they outlined the do’s and don’ts for employers and employees as they relate to COVID-19 exposures. Click here for this important list.
- The update also included an Interim Guidance for Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had Exposure to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19, which specifically calls attention to critical infrastructure workers serving in the specific capacities and functions. View the interim guidance here.
- Healthcare Providers are covered under a separate guidance that can be accessed here.
- View the CDC's most current medical guidance at:
4. Free Driver COVID-19 Training Video:
- Training provider Instructional Technologies Inc. (ITI), is offering a free course for drivers on COVID-19 safety. COVID-19: What Drivers Need To Know helps drivers understand the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Please Note: Idealease is posting this link as a resource that may be considered by the industry. It does not imply any endorsement of the company or its services.
5. How do I disinfect the cab of a unit where my driver tested positive for COVID-19 or advises they have been in contact with someone that is positive in their household?
- The American Trucking Association Technology Maintenance Council (TMC) has updated the Recommended Practice (RP) 443 In-Cab Cleaning and Deodorizing Guidelines provide fleets a method for establishing a proper vehicle interior cleaning program. The study group issued these updates to help reduce the chance of spreading bacterial and viral germs, the COVID-19 virus. See below:
Technology Maintenance Council S.4 Cab and Controls, RP 443 Update (In-Cab Cleaning & Deodorizing Guidelines) Task Force
Cl02 Information:
• CAUTION: Cl02 gas vapors during this treatment process will be at extremely high concentrations. Remove people, plants and pets from the treatment space during the treatment period.
• Lockout/tagout procedures should be applied to limit cab and sleeper access to an authorized employee during treatment and out-of-service periods. Refer to TMC RP 543 (Guidelines for Lockout-Tagout Procedures).
• Truck interior surfaces must be dry prior to vapor treatment or permanent bleaching could take place.
• Take caution not to splash or spill liquid solution on surfaces during removal of the pail from truck following treatment. Affected surfaces could be permanently bleached.
• Do not vapor treat the truck in direct sunlight as sunlight breaks down Cl02. Pull truck into shade or under cover.
• Performing the treatment process overnight is a good option.
1 - Cl02, 1-100 g tablet
1 - 5-gallon size pail
1 - Aerators, battery powered with air stone
1 - Signs: Treatment in process – Do not enter! Per manager
PPE: Safety glasses or face shield, P100 respirator per manufacturer directions, rubber gloves (e.g., reusable latex)
1. Remove all driver effects, soft goods & food stuffs.
2. Open refrigerator and all cabinets in truck and sleeper berth.
3. Affix treatment signs to all exterior truck entry points (i.e., door windows)
4. Tape over exterior vents with non-marring tape to seal cab.
5. Place 1 gallon of water in pail
6. Hang aerator on the pail edge and extend the hose with air stone (i.e., weight and dispersant) to the bottom.
7. Place pail in the center of the truck on the floor.
8. Turn on aerator
9. Open package of Cl02 tablets:
• Place (1) one 100 g tablet into pail.
10. Exit the truck, close vents, doors & windows for five hours or until vapors cease and water is clear.
11. After treatment, flush the treated space with static fresh air for up to one hour or until the odor has dissipated. Return to service time can be reduced by providing forced fresh air movement into the treated space (e.g., fan, blower, etc.)
12. Remove the treatment pail from the truck. When the solution turns clear, it can be disposed of by discharge to sanitary sewer.
13. Replace the cabin air filter and bunk air filter.
14. Return truck to service.
• Glossy surfaces may be wiped down after 10 minutes to prevent precipitate build-up
• Stored in an opaque enclosed container stored away from sunlight and extreme temperatures, the mixed solution may remain active for up to three to six months.
• Cl02 test strips can be used to determine the strength & efficacy of the mixed solution
• Five-minute wet contact time is required to be effective.
1 - RTU intermediate solution container
1 - Label for RTU solution container; proper strength indicated
1 - Test Strips
1 - Wet fogger or sprayer
1 - Clean dry compressed air source, 4 CFM @ 80 PSI, 3/8” airhose
1 - PPE: Safety classes, rubber gloves; respirator when ventilation is inadequate
1. Prepare space to be treated by removing personal affects and opening cabinets & refrigerator.
2. Clean highly soiled surfaces with appropriate cleaner(s).
3. Select the correct intermediate container size for tablet being used. (confirm container opening is adequate for tablet size used)
• 20 g Cl02 tablet in 128 oz. of water for 500 ppm solution, or
• 100 g Cl02 tablet in 5 gal. of water for 500 ppm solution.
4. Fill intermediate container with water to the fill point.
5. Open tablet package and drop tablet in intermediate container with water.
6. Allow tablet two to three minutes to dissolve.
7. Pour RTU solution over a test strip and confirm strength is between 250 – 500 ppm.
8. Fill wet fogger or sprayer with Cl02 solution from the intermediate container.
9. Wet fog or lightly spray all surfaces ceiling to floor.
10. Provide five minutes wet contact time – no wiping or rinsing is required.
11. Allow surfaces to dry.
12. Return truck to service.
6. FMCSA Grants Temporary Authority for Carriers Helping During Pandemic
- Is waiving application fees for motor carriers and passenger carriers applying for Temporary Operating Authority during the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency declaration.
- When applying for temporary authority, carriers are asked to select the inquiry type option "Emergency Authority COV19" under the drop down for "MC/MX# Operating Authority" via the upload process on the FMCSA website.
- Authority applications should be processed within 48 business hours of receipt. Even though the emergency application process is accelerated, authority will not be granted until the carrier's evidence of insurance and BOC-3 form (designation of process agents) are on file with FMCSA.
- When applying for temporary authority, carriers are required to provide a statement on why they need temporary operating authority, per §365.107T(g).
- The temporary authority is only active as long as the emergency declaration is in effect. All temporary authorities are revoked once the emergency declaration expires.
- A carrier must have a USDOT number before applying for emergency temporary authority. Carriers who are currently declared out of service by the FMCSA are not eligible for temporary authority.
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