The March 29th edition of the Idealsafe Safety Bulletin, 'No More Motor Vehicle Fatalities?' is here!

Click to DOWNLOAD current issue as well as past archives.

In this issue:

- No More Motor Vehicle Fatalities? - read more about The National Strategy on Highway Safety Toward Zero Deaths effort that was created by a steering committee cooperative of organizations representing our nation's highway safety system to reduce annual traffic fatalities from more than 33,000 to zero.

- 2019 Idealease/NPTC Safety Seminar Registration still available! Hurry, space is limited.  Register online here to attend May 9th in Aurora. 

- Seat belts: An Essential and easy boost for commercial driver safety

- Tips for increased seat belt usage and Common seat belt myths

-Drive Safe Act Reintroduced in House, Senate: The DRIVE Safe Act, H.R. 1374 and S. 569, would require completion of two separate apprenticeships before a driver under 21 years of age could drive a CMV in interstate commerce.

Please download through the link above to read the safety bulletin in its entirety and share with others that could benefit from these safety tips!  

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