Every 6 weeks, Tim Mickey from McCandless Bus Center holds an open discussion with our Bus Advisory Board on all things school bus transportation related.

This important group, comprised of customers from 10 Colorado School Districts, provides us with insight on current challenges and opportunities that ultimately help us improve our business and our customer service.  It was not only created to ensure that we receive continual feedback and updates, but it allows us the opportunity to be an actively involved business partner.  We are truly dedicated to meeting the needs of all our customers each and every day, so we appreciate the opportunity to regularly collaborate on ideas and issues and engage in these productive conversations. 

We are so thankful for their business, partnership and continual feedback.  

Please click here to learn more about our IC bus and Collins bus products.  If you have specific questions, please contact Tim Mickey with McCandless Bus Sales at (303)365-5380 or (303)921-0400.