Mirrors a Reflection of Safety - Idealease Safety Bulletin
The February 4th edition of the weekly Idealsafe Bulletin, courtesy of Idealease Truck Leasing and Rental is here! View highlights below and download to review the bulletin in its entirety.
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Mirrors a Reflection of Safety
In this issue:
- Use of Mirrors
- Mirror Station
- Safety Meeting Exercise
- Tire Safety is an important part of the driver’s daily pre and post-inspection
- New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th!
It is vital to make it a habit to check the mirrors in your fleet at least weekly. Check to make sure they are not only adjusted and tight, but that they are not damaged. Mirrors provide drivers with real-time information that allows them to operate the unit safely as well as drive defensively.
- If you have a room at your facility, consider making a mirror check station.
- The Mirror station requires that you have a flat level hard surface that is 30’ wide by 80’ long.
- Use white outdoor marking paint to make the station.
- Require drivers before starting their route to go through the station to make sure their mirrors are properly adjusted
As part of your next driver safety meeting have a driver get into the cab of a unit with the engine shut off and key removed and sit in the proper driving position with the seat belt fastened. Tell the driver that you are going to have one of his/her fellow drivers go to the back of the truck/trailer and walk away from the unit in a straight line. Have the driver in the cab blow the horn when he/she can see the other driver in the mirrors. Before starting the exercise have the drivers guess the total distance from the back of the unit to where the driver will be when the horn blows. This will show the drivers the distance of the blind spot located directly behind their unit.
If I am stopped on the side of the road, where do I place the warning triangles?
First, activate your 4-way hazard flashers immediately! Next place the warning reflective triangles as follows:

- One on the traffic side of and 4 paces (approximately 3 meters or 10 feet) from the stopped commercial motor vehicle in the direction of approaching traffic.
- One at 40 paces (approximately 30 meters or 100 feet) from the stopped commercial motor vehicle in the center of the traffic lane or shoulder occupied by the commercial motor vehicle and in the direction of approaching traffic.
- One at 40 paces (approximately 30 meters or 100 feet) from the stopped commercial motor vehicle in the center of the traffic lane or shoulder occupied by the commercial motor vehicle and in the direction away from approaching traffic.
Hills, curves and obstructions:
- If a commercial motor vehicle is stopped within 500 feet of a curve, the crest of a hill, or other obstruction to view, the driver shall place the warning signal in the direction of the obstruction to view 100 feet to 500 feet from the stopped commercial motor vehicle so as to afford ample warning to other users of the highway.
Divided or one-way roads:
- If a commercial motor vehicle is stopped upon the traveled portion or the shoulder of a divided or one-way highway, the driver shall place the warning devices as follows, one warning device at 200 feet and one warning device at a distance of 100 feet in a direction toward
An Important part of the driver's daily pre and post-inspection
Fuel and tires are two of largest expenses in operating a truck so its important to make sure the tires are properly inflated.
Improperly inflated tires can::
- cause accidents,
- shorten tire service life,
- decrease fuel mileage
The only true and accurate way to determine the air pressure in a tire is to gauge the tire with a tire pressure gauge. At your next driver’s safety meeting inflate 3 tires on rims with pressures varying by 10lbs each, with one tire at the correct pressure, one 10lbs under, and one 20lbs under. See if they can tell which tire has the correct pressure. A unique worker's compensation case I reviewed was for a driver who was checking his tires by thumping them with a hammer and the hammer bounced back breaking the driver’s jaw! When inspecting tires also pay close attention to the wear patterns and tread depth. The FMCSA regulations CFR 393.75 require that steer axle tires have a minimum tread depth of 4/32” and all other applications including trailers to have a minimum tread depth of 2/32”. Pay attention to your tires and they will provide many miles of service.
View more information from a recent Idealease Safety Bulletin
*The Idealease Safety Bulletin is provided for Idealease locations and their customers and is not to be construed as a complete or exhaustive source of compliance or safety information. The Idealease Safety Bulletin is advisory in nature and does not warrant, guarantee, or otherwise certify compliance with laws, regulations, requirements, or guidelines of any local, state, or Federal agency and/or governing body, or industry standards.