November 1 - Idealease Safety Bulletin "Communicating with other drivers and pedestrians while driving"

Nov. 1 2019 News By Carrie LeBlanc

Enjoy this free November 1st Safety Bulletin, 'Communicating with Other Drivers and Pedestrians while Driving', courtesy of  Idealease Truck Leasing and Rental.  

VIEW AND DOWNLOAD the full issue below and SIGN UP to automatically receive these weekly fleet safety tips via email. 

In this edition find information on the following topics: 

  1.  Communicating with other drivers and pedestrians: Properly using turn signals, emergency signals, horns and headlights to communicate with other drivers or pedestrians can reduce your chances of being in an accident.
  2. Parking Lot Accident Exposure increases during the holidays:
  • Wear your seatbelt!
  • Obey all traffic signs such as Stop and Yield.
  • Drive slowly and use your turn signals and headlights.
  • Obey traffic lanes and do NOT drive diagonally across lots.
  • Slow down for speed bumps!
  • Use delivery driveway entrances for customers that auto traffic is not likely to use.
  • Beware of motorist who are lost or distracted..
  • Be extra careful at entrances and exits – motorists stop suddenly and for no apparent reason – tailgaters often end up in rear-end collisions, and rushing while turning into access road or side street traffic can also lead to collisions.
  • Be especially careful in lots that contain Post Offices, package stores and other locations where people are prone to dart in and out hastily in a hurry to be on their way.
  • Be extra careful during peak times.
  • Some drivers are on the “hunt” for an ideal parking spot and may drive erratically – watching for open spots rather than watching where they are driving! 
  • Lock your truck at all times when not attended. 

3. November 3-10 is Drowsy Driving Prevention week: Click here for more information about the campaign.

4. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) change may bring saliva drug testing to DOT Rules: New guidelines are scheduled to take effect 1/1/20.

5. FMCSA Proposes Privacy Act Protection for Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Records: new system of records goes into effect 1/6/20